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Dear Parent/Guardians,

As you know a new school year is about to begin.  School will start for all students in the Union School District on Wednesday August 21, 2024.  

Absences: Please be aware that an excuse must be provided to the office after an absence from school.  

Upon return to school, you are given 3 days to submit an excuse before that day becomes illegal.  Please email excuses to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


All students in grades K-5 will be required to clear their bookbag if the metal detector sensor is triggered.  Please be mindful that metal detectors will detect the presence of metal objects.  To keep students moving through the detector please monitor what your child is placing in their bookbag.  

Dismissal Procedures

Please do not call the school on a daily basis to change your child’s dismissal procedures. Parents are asked to make arrangements the night before and to send a note with their child(ren) in the morning if there is to be a change in a student’s dismissal for that day. As a reminder, your child(ren) are not permitted to ride home on a bus with another student. If you call in and want your child(ren) to be “walkers”  and did not send a note that day, you must park at dismissal time and come into the building and sign your child(ren) out. If an emergency arises, please call into the school office. 

Drop off and Pick-up for Parent Provided Transportation: Elementary students should arrive before

7:50 at Sligo Elementary.  Parents who are dropping off or picking up their child should not interfere with the buses as they are entering the bus drop off area.  Elementary students will enter and leave the building at the main entrance, except for p.m. walkers.  Walkers will be dismissed at the end of the building nearest the playground.  Students in grades K-2 will be released at 2:36 and students in grades 3-5 will be released at 2:37. Please do not arrive at the bus circle until 2:20.  If you arrive prior to 2:20 you will be asked to clear the bus circle and park your car.   After 2:20, I ask that you stay in your car and pull up to the designated spot and then we will release your child to you.  Please do not pass the car in front of you.  Parents picking students up in grades K-2 please stay to the right of the bus circle and for students in grades 3-5 stay on the left side of the bus circle.  

If you are picking up or dropping off your child at any other time during the day (when school buses are not in attendance), please use the main entrance, contact the building secretary and sign in/out the child.  

Elementary Disciplinary Matrix:

The matrix is designed to offer consistency at all levels across the elementary.  This tool is designed to 

ensure students receive the appropriate consequences when their behavior requires the attention of the principal,  beyond the classroom teacher.  The matrix is also designed to assist you and your child in understanding the consequences of seriously violating school rules.  It is important that parents and families become knowledgeable about the consequences when a student misbehaves.  Please take the time to review the matrix with your child.  

Flexible Instruction ½ Days

Please note the following days as students will be released early.

November 1, January 17, March 18, March 28

Grading Scale Change for 24-25 School Year

A - 100-90                 

B - 89-80

C - 79-70

D - 69-60

F - 59 - 0

*Principal’s List: 90% or higher

*Honor Roll: *80% or higher

*Outstanding Scholastic Achievement: 90% or higher

Meet Your Teacher and Classroom K-5

August 20, 2024 1:00-3:00. Staff will be available for families and students to visit SES to meet their 

teacher and see their classroom.  

Open House K-5

September 24, 2024 6:00 pm -7:30 pm.  

Raptor System

Raptor is school safety software that will enable our school to prevent, prepare and respond to an emergency.  When a visitor is going to enter the building (IEP meeting, parent meeting, talk to nurse, classroom volunteer)they must produce identification (drivers license).   Your identification will be screened by the Raptor system to ensure school safety.  The School Police Officer will review the information and determine if you are permitted to enter the building.  

Reminder:  Students arriving after the start of homeroom up until 9:30 a.m. will be marked as being tardy.  The tardy bell will ring at 7:50.  Students arriving after 9:30 a.m. will be marked as a ½ day absence.  Students dismissed prior to 1:30 p.m. will be charged with a ½ day absence.   Additionally, any student who has missed more than two hours at any time during the school day will be charged with a ½ day absence. 

School Hours:  Please refer to the schedule included in the envelope.  The time of arrival will be dependent on what bus your child rides.  All students who are eating breakfast are to report directly to the cafeteria.  All students arriving before 7:40 a.m. must report to the cafeteria.  Elementary students are to be in their homeroom by 7:50 at Sligo Elementary.  Students who arrive after 7:50 will be marked tardy.  If tardy or arriving later, PLEASE walk the student into Sligo Elementary.  Please do not send them unattended.  Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.  

School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (SWPBIS):

SWPBIS is a tiered framework that uses evidence based practices to improve academic and behavior

outcomes for all students.  Clear expectations are explicitly taught to students who are then recognized 

for their positive behaviors.  

Sligo Elementary has created the acronym “STAR” for our SWPBIS expectations.  This includes four, 

positively stated, easy to remember, clearly defined expectations for our students.  They tell students

what TO DO rather than what not to do.  STAR stands for:  Strive to do your best, Take responsibility, 

Always work together, Respect yourself and others.   Please review STAR program description 

and matrix with mailing. 

At the end of each 9 weeks students that have not received a level 1, 2, 3 referral will earn the 


1st 9 weeks: ice cream party

2nd 9 weeks: afternoon of movie and snack

3rd 9 weeks: trampoline park

4th 9 weeks:  water fun day or Sligo pool

*total student referrals will reset to zero at the end of each 9 weeks 

Union School District Handbook: The student handbook is on the district website at www.unionsd.net for you to review.  Please take the time to review the handbook with your child and then sign and return the form that acknowledges that you have reviewed the handbook.  The handbook is a vital resource that every student and parent/guardian should familiarize themselves with.  The acknowledgement form must be returned to the student’s homeroom teacher by Friday September 6, 2024.  

Vacation Requests: 

Please contact the office to request a vacation request form.  Please note that vacation days are counted as part of the 10 parental excuses allotted for the school year.  After 10 parental excuses are written, all further absences must be excused by a doctor or the days will be illegal.  

Thank you for taking the time to read and act upon the information presented in this letter.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.  


Thomas J. Minick
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