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VOLUNTEERS ONLY —FBI Fingerprint Check—
All school volunteers must now obtain a volunteer Service Code from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS). This change is in response to a bulletin issued by DHS that indicates all individuals governed by the Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) must obtain clearances through DHS. This change includes all public, private, and nonpublic school volunteers. To obtain a volunteer Service Code, individuals must contact DHS directly at 1-877-371-5422 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or visit the DHS website: Clearances

Volunteer FBI Background Check
This change is not retroactive, so individuals who hold current clearances do not need to obtain new clearances until they are due. All individuals who apply for new FBI Volunteer Clearances will use the new system, whether they are new volunteers or need to renew their clearances for any reason. The PDE Volunteer Service Code is no longer available. If a volunteer has a PDE volunteer clearance that was received prior to the PDE volunteer clearance being removed, the school district may still accept that volunteer clearance.

For school clearances for employment purposes, please click here
As of 8/7/17, The links to the required State and Federal Clearances are below:

Act 34: State Police Clearances is https://epatch.pa.gov/home
Act 151: Child Abuse Clearances: https://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/public/home
Act 114: FBI Fingerprint Clearance (PDE only): https://uenroll.identogo.com -See instructions below!!!
Act 168: Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure: attached below

For Volunteer Clearance Information, Please follow Click Here

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