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Requests for school affiliated fundraising shall be made on the Fundraising Form. If the fundraiser requires a school district facility, a facility use request must be completed. Submit the facility use request along with the fundraising form to the appropriate school building office. If the fundraiser is for an athletic group, the fundraiser form should be submitted to the Athletic Director. Questions regarding this process should be directed to the building level principals; Union Elementary Principal at 814-473-3121 or 814-745-2152 or Union High School Principal at 814-473- 6311.

  1. If school district facilities are required a building/facility use form must be completed and submitted.
  2. The fundraiser must be approved for the fundraiser to appear on the school calendar.
  3. Submit the Facility Use Form along with a copy of the fundraiser – See Fundraising Form
  4. IMPORTANT: The fundraising form must be signed by the Requester (Advisor/Rep in Charge) and Principal/Designee and then sent to Central Office for Superintendent approval. Once the fundraiser is approved by all parties, the form will be sent back to the Requestor for their records.
  5. The fundraiser cannot begin until this form has been signed and returned to the Requestor.
  6. Upon completion of the Fundraiser, the Requestor is responsible for completing the “funding” accounting procedures and attaching a copy of the request to the building principal for review within 30 days.
  7. Forms should be retained with the school activity account records.
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