Home of the Knights and Damsels

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Vision Statement:
All students will be provided the necessary information, materials and technology to be competitive and successful in a local and global society.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Union School District, in harmony with our community, is to educate and empower students to become continuous learners in an environment which ensures that each student gains knowledge and skills, self-motivation and related positive attitudes necessary to compete equitably with peers locally and globally towards meaningful and productive lives.
Shared Values:
The Union School District considers successful people to have common characteristics and values. The following are characteristics and values of successful people:

Read more: Our Mission and Values

Central Office Contacts

354 Baker Street, Suite 2
Rimersburg, PA 16248
(814) 473-6311
FAX: (814) 473-8201

Superintendent - Dr. John Kimmel - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Safety Compliance Officer
Safe To Say Coordinator
Health and Safety Coordinator
Homeless Liaison
Foster Parent Liaison

Mrs. Lindsey Cookson - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Director of Special Education
Section 504 Plan Coordinator

Business Manager - Mrs. Megan Hepler - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Superintendent Secretary/School Board Secretary/RTK Officer - Mrs. Kristen Smith - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Auxiliary Services

Message from the Superintendent

Thank you for visiting the superintendent’s page for Union School District! We are excited that you are utilizing our digital space to become more informed about our school system and that you want to be an active member of our school community. It is our goal to build a collaborative environment in which each student is recognized as a valuable member of the community who deserves the time and resources dedicated to their future success. As stated in the old Igbo and Yourba African Proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”, we believe the same is true for educating our youth. With the support of our families and community members working with our dedicated educational staff, we can effect positive change in the lives of our students to promote productive futures. Thank you for being a positive part of our “village”.


Welcome to the superintendent’s page for Union School District. As your district superintendent I am excited to serve our small but strong community by helping to provide positive educational experiences and support to our children. Being a native of Clarion County, I grew up just north of our district boundary near Reidsburg. Upon graduating from Clarion Area High School in 1997, I attended Clarion University where I received my BSE in science education. After teaching for two years at Walkersville High School in Maryland, I was hired to teach science courses here at Union High School. During the four years in which I was here, I felt like a valued member of our staff and community which is why I wanted to return later as an administrator. After six years as a principal at Jeff Tech and five years as the principal at Clarion Area High School, I was able to return to Union School District in 2019 as your superintendent. It is with great pride and pleasure that I have the opportunity to serve our community as we work together in promoting our great traditions while also making positive changes for the benefit of our students.


Dr. John Kimmel, Superintendent

Union School District
Title IX Coordinator
Safety Compliance Officer
Safe To Say Coordinator
Health and Safety Coordinator
Homeless Liaison
Foster Parent Liaison

Message from the Superintendent

Thank you for visiting the superintendent’s page for Union School District! We are excited that you are utilizing our digital space to become more informed about our school system and that you want to be an active member of our school community. It is our goal to build a collaborative environment in which each student is recognized as a valuable member of the community who deserves the time and resources dedicated to their future success. As stated in the old Igbo and Yourba African Proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”, we believe the same is true for educating our youth. With the support of our families and community members working with our dedicated educational staff, we can effect positive change in the lives of our students to promote productive futures. Thank you for being a positive part of our “village”.


Welcome to the superintendent’s page for Union School District. As your district superintendent I am excited to serve our small but strong community by helping to provide positive educational experiences and support to our children. Being a native of Clarion County, I grew up just north of our district boundary near Reidsburg. Upon graduating from Clarion Area High School in 1997, I attended Clarion University where I received my BSE in science education. After teaching for two years at Walkersville High School in Maryland, I was hired to teach science courses here at Union High School. During the four years in which I was here, I felt like a valued member of our staff and community which is why I wanted to return later as an administrator. After six years as a principal at Jeff Tech and five years as the principal at Clarion Area High School, I was able to return to Union School District in 2019 as your superintendent. It is with great pride and pleasure that I have the opportunity to serve our community as we work together in promoting our great traditions while also making positive changes for the benefit of our students.


Dr. John Kimmel, Superintendent

Union School District
Title IX Coordinator
Safety Compliance Officer
Safe To Say Coordinator
Health and Safety Coordinator
Homeless Liaison
Foster Parent Liaison

2023-2024 Superintendent Objective Performance Standards - Outcomes

Goal #1
Lead the Union School District Administrative Team in developing and implementing procedures which encourage students who are currently enrolled in cyber education programs to return to Union School District educational programs. Likewise, provide for district communication with families who choose to enroll in non-district cyber education programs during the 2023-2024 school year to encourage their return to Union School District. - Accomplished

Goal #2
Develop and provide for the implementation of interventions, supports, and/or procedures which serve to better address and/or prevent significant and/or repeated behavioral incidents at the high school level, which cause a substantial disruption to the educational process. - Accomplished

Goal #3
Work collaboratively with the Union School District Business Office and School Board to build a revenue-based budget for the 2024-2025 school year which reflects the values of the district and supports the district within the financial limitations it maintains. - Accomplished

The Allegheny-Clarion Valley and Union High School Falcon Knight Marching Band is looking for candidates interested in being a Percussion Instructor for the 2025-2026 marching band season. Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, resume, clearances, and a letter of recommendation to Mr. Jack Salter at 345 Baker Street, Suite 2, Rimersburg, PA 16248, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Allegheny-Clarion Valley and Union High School Falcon Knight Marching Band is looking for candidates interested in being a Color Guard Instructor for the 2025-2026 marching band season. Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, resume, clearances, and a letter of recommendation to Mr. Jack Salter at 345 Baker Street, Suite 2, Rimersburg, PA 16248, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Union School District is seeking applicants for the position of Paraprofessional/Classroom Aide. Applicants must possess a high school diploma and preferably have experience with school age children, be enthusiastic, joyful and motivated. Please submit a letter of interest and completed general application with current (dated within 1 year) Act 34, Act 151, and Act 114-FBI fingerprint clearance. Dr. John Kimmel, Superintendent, Union School District, 354 Baker Street, Ste. 2, Rimersburg, PA 16248. A review of applications will begin immediately, however, they will be accepted until the position is filled.

Applications can be found by clicking here
Union School District is an equal opportunity employer.
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Paraprofessional/Educational Aide

  • Union School District is seeking applicants for the position of Paraprofessional/Educational Aide starting immediately.

 Basic Function/Purpose:

  • To assist, support and work with teachers, Educational aides, and administration to provide a quality instructional program and improve student goals/achievements.

 Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Effectively observes assigned work hours. 
  • Maintains a pattern of prompt and regular attendance. 
  • Follows the daily schedule as prescribed. 
  • Adjusts to work assignments and/or schedule changes. 
  • Work with individual students and/or small groups of students to reinforce learning of material or skills initially introduced and outlined by the teacher.
  • Provides extra assistance to students with exceptionalities, such as those with physical and/or mental disabilities. 
  • Assists as directed by the supervising teacher in the effort to successfully maintain students with special needs in an integrated setting, as determined by the IEP team. 
  • Assists identified students with transporting materials or supplies as needed. Assists identified students with specific personal and physical needs. 
  • Communicates clearly and positively with students. 
  • Performs other duties as assigned by the supervising teacher, Principal or his/her designee.
  • Demonstrates ethical behavior and confidentiality of information about students in school environment and community. 
  • Maintains a cooperative working relationship with Principal, supervising teacher, students, parents, staff and public.
  • Participates in professional learning activities which align with school improvement goals. 
  • Participates in staff development opportunities provided by the district 
  • Demonstrates a positive attitude toward work assignment. 
  • Accepts responsibility for the work assigned and accepts constructive criticism. 
  • Demonstrate enthusiasm for working with school-age children.
  • Possess a positive and motivated attitude.
  • Willingness to obtain CPR/First Aide.


  • High School Diploma
  • Preferably have experience with school age children.



For interested applicants, Please submit a letter of interest and completed general application with current (dated within 1 year) Act 34, Act 151, and Act 114-FBI fingerprint clearance. Dr. John Kimmel, Superintendent, Union School District, 354 Baker Street, Ste. 2, Rimersburg, PA 16248. A review of applications will begin on Monday, November 7, 2022, however, they will be accepted until the position is filled. A

Applications can be found at https://www.unionsd.net/employment/employment-forms/581-general-employment-application.html


Union School District is an equal opportunity employer.



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Union School District is seeking substitutes for school nurse/health technician for the 20121-2022 school year. Applicants should complete a general employment application and submit RN or LPN Certificate, current Act 34 (State Police), Act 151 (Child Abuse), and Act 114 (FBI Fingerprint) to Mr. John Kimmel, Superintendent, 354 Baker Street, Suite 2, Rimersburg, PA 16248. Applications can be found here.
Union School District is an EOE.
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Union School District has partnered with ESS to manage our substitute program. A leader in K-12 staffing, ESS is now responsible for the hiring, training, and placement of all [daily and long-term] substitute teachers, school aides, and clerical personnel.

If you’re interested in working as a substitute for our district, please visit ess.jobs to apply or call 877.983.2244 for more information.
VOLUNTEERS ONLY —FBI Fingerprint Check—
All school volunteers must now obtain a volunteer Service Code from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS). This change is in response to a bulletin issued by DHS that indicates all individuals governed by the Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) must obtain clearances through DHS. This change includes all public, private, and nonpublic school volunteers. To obtain a volunteer Service Code, individuals must contact DHS directly at 1-877-371-5422 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or visit the DHS website: Clearances

Volunteer FBI Background Check
This change is not retroactive, so individuals who hold current clearances do not need to obtain new clearances until they are due. All individuals who apply for new FBI Volunteer Clearances will use the new system, whether they are new volunteers or need to renew their clearances for any reason. The PDE Volunteer Service Code is no longer available. If a volunteer has a PDE volunteer clearance that was received prior to the PDE volunteer clearance being removed, the school district may still accept that volunteer clearance.

For school clearances for employment purposes, please click here
As of 8/7/17, The links to the required State and Federal Clearances are below:

Act 34: State Police Clearances is https://epatch.pa.gov/home
Act 151: Child Abuse Clearances: https://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/public/home
Act 114: FBI Fingerprint Clearance (PDE only): https://uenroll.identogo.com -See instructions below!!!
Act 168: Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure: attached below

For Volunteer Clearance Information, Please follow Click Here



On December 10, 2015 a new Federal education law was signed by the President. This law, the  Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires schools that receive federal Title IA funding adopt  written procedures for resolving complaints filed. 


A “complaint” is a written, signed statement filed by an individual or an organization. It must  include: 

  1. a) A statement that a school has violated a requirement of federal statute or regulation that applies to Title IA.
  2. b) The facts on which the statement is based.
  3. c) Information on any discussions, meetings or correspondence with a school regarding the complaint.

Complaint Resolution Procedures 

∙ Referral – Complaints against schools should be referred to the District’s Central Office:    

  Dr. John Kimmel, Superintendent 

  354 Baker Street, Suite 2 

Rimersburg, PA 16248 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

814-473-6311 x0 

2) Notice to School – The Federal Programs Director will notify the school Superintendent and  Building Principal that a complaint has been received. A copy of the complaint will be given to the  Superintendent and Building Principal with directions given for the Principal to respond. 

3) Investigation – After receiving the Principal’s response, the Central Office, along with the  Superintendent, will determine whether further investigation is necessary. If necessary, the  Federal Programs Director and the Superintendent may do an onsite investigation at the school. 

4) Opportunity to Present Evidence – The Federal Programs Director may provide for the  complainant and the Principal to present evidence. 

5) Report and Recommended Resolution – Once the Federal Programs Director has completed the investigation and collected evidence, a report will be prepared with a recommendation for 

resolving the complaint. The report will give the name of the party bringing the complaint, the  nature of the complaint, a summary of the investigation, the recommended resolution and the  reasons for the recommendation. Copies of the report will be issued to all parties involved. The  recommended resolution will become effective upon issuance of the report. 

6) Follow up – The Federal Programs Director and the Superintendent will ensure that the  resolution of the complaint is implemented. 

7) Time Limit – The period between the Federal Programs Director receiving the complaint and  resolution of the complaint shall not exceed sixty (60) calendar days. 

8) Right to Appeal – Either party may appeal the final resolution to the Department of Education. Appeals should be addressed as follows: 

Ms. Susan McCrone, Chief 

Division of Federal Programs 

Pennsylvania Department of Education 

333 Market Street, 7th Floor 

Harrisburg, PA 17126‐0333


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Sligo Elementary 

Sligo Elementary and the parents of the students participating in student services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the ESEA agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.  Sligo Elementary will:

  • Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children served under this part to meet the challenging State academic standards 
  • Address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum—
    • parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools, at least annually, during which the compact shall be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child’s achievement
    • frequent reports to parents on their children’s progress;
    • reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and observation of classroom activities; and
    • ensuring regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff, and, to the extent practicable, in a language that family members can understand. (required) (ESSA, Section 1116(d)(1-2))
  • Treat each child with dignity and respect.
  • Strive to address the individual needs of the student.
  • Acknowledge that parents are vital to the success of a child and school.
  • Provide a safe, positive and healthy learning environment.
  • Assure every student access to quality learning experiences.
  • Assure that the school staff communicates clear expectations for performance to both students and parents.


We, as parents, will support our children’s learning in the following ways: 

Parents, please understand that participation in your child’s education will help his/her achievement and attitude. Therefore, please continue to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of your ability:

  • Volunteering in their child’s classroom if invited.
  • Supporting their child’s learning.
  • Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and positive use of extracurricular time.
  • Create a home atmosphere that supports learning.
  • Send the students to school on time, well-fed, and well-rested on a regular basis.
  • Attend school functions and conferences with teachers.
  • Encourage their child to show respect for all members of the school community and school property.
  • Review all school communications and respond promptly.
  • Attend Open House.
  • Monitoring the amount of TV and screen time.  


We, as students will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement and achieve the State’s high standards, specifically, we will: 

  • Get to school on time every day.
  • Develop a positive attitude toward school.
  • Be responsible for completing homework on time.
  • Be cooperative by carrying out the teacher’s instructions and ask for help when needed.
  • Do daily work that is neat and reflects the student’s best effort.
  • Be respectful to all school members and school property.
  • Read at least 15 minutes every day outside of school time. 

Sligo Elementary

Sligo Elementary and the parents of the students participating in student services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the ESEA agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards. Sligo Elementary will:
Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children served under this part to meet the challenging State academic standards
Address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum—
parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools, at least annually, during which the compact shall be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child’s achievement
frequent reports to parents on their children’s progress;
reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and observation of classroom activities; and
ensuring regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff, and, to the extent practicable, in a language that family members can understand. (required) (ESSA, Section 1116(d)(1-2))
Treat each child with dignity and respect.
Strive to address the individual needs of the student.
Acknowledge that parents are vital to the success of a child and school.
Provide a safe, positive and healthy learning environment.
Assure every student access to quality learning experiences.
Assure that the school staff communicates clear expectations for performance to both students and parents.


We, as parents, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:
Parents, please understand that participation in your child’s education will help his/her achievement and attitude. Therefore, please continue to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of your ability:
Volunteering in their child’s classroom if invited.
Supporting their child’s learning.
Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and positive use of extracurricular time.
Create a home atmosphere that supports learning.
Send the students to school on time, well-fed, and well-rested on a regular basis.
Attend school functions and conferences with teachers.
Encourage their child to show respect for all members of the school community and school property.
Review all school communications and respond promptly.
Attend Open House.
Monitoring the amount of TV and screen time.

We, as students will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement and achieve the State’s high standards, specifically, we will:
Get to school on time every day.
Develop a positive attitude toward school.
Be responsible for completing homework on time.
Be cooperative by carrying out the teacher’s instructions and ask for help when needed.
Do daily work that is neat and reflects the student’s best effort.
Be respectful to all school members and school property.
Read at least 15 minutes every day outside of school time.
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